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Simple Changes to Make to Your Regular Makeup Routine

Have you been looking for a change in your everyday beauty routine? Things that will make a noticable difference, but does not add a huge amount of time to your day? Try these simple steps to change up your daily makeup routine.

Tip #1:

For a night out, try adding a dramatic smokey eye to give your everyday look a bit more pop. Instead of sticking to the typical browns and black palettes, typically used in smokey eyes, try adding a pop of plum, navy, or even green -each shade goes well with every eye colour too! Using alternative colours can still create the same look, while adding more depth to the eyes.

smokey eye look

Tip #2:

Glossy lips are in! Instead of a traditional lipstick, try adding a lip gloss to your makeup routine. Line your lips with a red, pink, or even a darker tone such as a nude brown. Swipe across clear, or shimmering gloss and see the change! A simple way to adjust your daily routine.

glossy lips

Tip #3:

Adding a pop of lip colour can really change your appearance. 2019 is the year of coral, and well why not try adding it to your lips! A simple shade of coral can draw attention to your lips and is a great way to bring in colour for spring. Including a pop of colour will bring a change to your makeup, while still keeping a consistent, easy, flawless look.

final look, with coral lip

Of course, there are many ways to spice up your daily makeup routine other than just changing up the shades of makeup you apply. The specific products you use can also make a big difference in your beauty routine!

Did you know that all makeup and skincare products have an expiration date? If you have been using the same mascara wand for 3 to 4 months, it's time to buy a new one! Old makeup brushes and mascara wands often harbour bacteria, which can cause eye infections and other health problems.

Instead of buying and tossing a new mascara wand out every couple months, here's a way to put these old makeup applicators to use! Once your mascara wand has had its run, clean the access makeup off, sanitize the wand, and send it off to a company who uses them for the better! Wands for Wildlife uses old mascara wands to remove fly larva from the fur of animals! Due to how small, and close knit the bristles of mascara wands are, this is a great tool for animal care and is put to much better use than tossing your mascara when finished.For more information on how to donate your old mascara wands, visit:

Another way to enhance your beauty routine without changing your makeup application, is ensuring to clean and take care of your skin properly so that it is prepped for makeup. Properly removing your makeup from the day and cleansing your face before bed is essential to maintain clear skin. Leaving makeup on overnight can build up bacteria on the face causing breakouts, eye infections and more. Using a gentle but deep cleaning facial wash can really improve the way your makeup lays across your face when you apply it the next morning.

Try these few ideas to spice up your makeup routine just in time for spring, while ensuring to take good care of your skin!

If you’re ever doubting your makeup skills, GLOW Beauty Bar is here to help! Book a makeup application for a flawless makeup look, or come in for a facial and properly wash away the makeup you can’t see!

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